RM Analyzer Help

Pre-Processor for Cable Stayed Bridges (Step 1)

The Step 1 sub-function creates 1 TCL file: Step1-sys.TCL (default name).

The step 1 input pad requires the following data to be entered or modified:  The names of the TCL files to be created (default names see above)

Final state LC Name of the load case, where all required load sets are collected
Schedule Name of schedule where loadsets and loadcases will be stored
Load manager final state LC String indicating the treatment of the load case  in the automatic superposition.
Load manager AddCon-LCs String indicating the treatment of the cable-stressing load cases in the automatic superposition.
Additional load sets in final state LC The permanent loading accumulated in the summation load case SumLC is automatically considered in the analysis. Other permanent loads (or other loads to be considered for the cable force design) may be included in the total load case by specifying the load sets in this input field.
All in final state LC AddCon load cases will be also in destination load case The table of stressing information for each cable.

The table of stressing information contains the following parameters:

Cable Nr Element no. of the cable (Cables, which are – for any reason –  inactive or not stressed, may be deleted from the table by using Delete below).
LSet load sets describing the self-weight and any fix stressing force part.
Gamma A fix part of the stressing force specified by load type LX0
LSet0 A fix part of the stressing force specified by load type LX0
LX0 A fix part of the stressing force specified by load type LX0
FX0 A fix part of the stressing force specified by load type FX0 (Avoid specifying  both LX0 and FX0 values, they are both considered in the created load set and therefore superimposed in the calculation.)
AddCon LSet load sets describing the variable unit stressing force.
AddCon LCase A value of 100 kN is per default used for the variable unit stressing force.
AddCon FX0 A value of 100 kN is per default used for the variable unit stressing force.

All the values can be edited by using Edit button and sometimes by double-click. When you select only some lines (using Ctrl+left mouse button), only the selected lines will be edited.

Reset list to default will reset the whole list to its default state.

The TCL file – with the name specified in TCL Outputfile – containing the corresponding load set and load case information is created on selecting the Write button. This TCL file may now be imported before the preliminary analysis is performed.